ACTIONS Publications

Here you will find publications from the ACTIONS team. 

Book Chapters

Alspaugh A, Franck LS, Lanshaw N, Suárez-Baquero DFM, Mehra R, Bond T, and McLemore MR. Rejecting the abortion debate binary is essential to moving toward reproductive justice. In: Littlejohn KE and Solonger R, eds. Fighting Mad: Resisting the End of Roe v. Wade. Oakland, CA: University of California; 2024: 307-311.

Crear-Perry J, Hassan A, Oberly T, Rutledge J, Scott-Henderson D,  Suárez-Baquero DFM, Walden N, McLemore MR. Designing new futures: Essential wrap-around services for reproductive-justice informed scholars. In: Davis Moss R, ed. Black Women’s Reproductive Health and Sexuality: A Holistic Public Health Approach. Washington, DC: American Public Health Association; 2023.